Friday, October 19, 2018

Andy Valadka's Recommendation - Matt

[Signed hard-copy on Yangon International School letterhead]

June 4, 2014

To Whom It May Concern,

As Secondary Principal of Yangon International School I have had the profound pleasure of working with Matt Kaun since August 2012.  This is his second year with YIS.  Matt's primary responsibility has been as a High School mathematics teacher.  Much to my chagrin, he has completed his initial contract with YIS and is moving further afield along with his wife.

First and foremost, it should be noted that I have found Matt to be a thoroughly dedicated and knowledgeable teacher with tremendous skills at bringing mathematics to life for our students.  He is a digital native and works hard to integrate IT, inquiry and project based learning and teamwork into his courses.  He has also been a member ot Technology Committee for the past two years and piloted our Mimio Interactive Whiteboard and our Engrade programs.

Outside the classroom, Matt is a tireless extra-curricular contributor.  He has coached Middle School badminton and table tennis for both years, and has run an SAT Club after school.  Matt has also been highly engaged in a variety of off-campus activities (we run a Week Without Walls 6-12 at YIS).  He has strengthened these learning opportunities for our students and has been the spearhead for the Grade 9 trip to Chiang Mai.  He's been a member of our WASC Math Home Group as well as on our WASC Steering Committee this year.  He has been a driving force in the social lives of many of our faculty and is praised by his peers and colleagues.

Matt's energy, understanding, compassion and straight out love for his subject and students will be sorely missed.  His decision to pursue his career in another environment will truly diminish our faculty, along with the potential for our mathematics program to grow.  He has also been the driving force in starting up a Statistics program here, which will become an AP Statistics course next year.

I trust that you will consider his candidacy favorably.  I know that wherever he accepts a new posting, he will become an integral part of the institution's faculty and will help it move forward.  As indicated earlier given the opportunity, I would have absolutely no hesitation to hire him again.


Andy Valadka
Yangon International School